Whitepapers, Articles and Presentations - Jonathan Arneault

Data Centric Integration and the Modern Enterprise
Technology Vision Whitepaper - Mercator Software, Aug 2003
My French Blood Boils
Article, January 2003
Buying Patterns of the Business Leader
Article, March 2003
XML is NOT integration
Article, November 2002
Office 11, Time to get off the train
Article, September 2002
Tax Freedom - in progress
working doc for Tax Act - December -2002
Directories, Databases and Decisions
Presentation for Netscape/iPlanet on Directory market and direction April 2001
Software in the Wireless World
Keynote presentation at the Sun Wireless Forum
Stockhom, Sweden - February 2001
Linux vs Solaris in the Data Center
Cost and Scalability Analysis - August 2002